Hell Day Phoenix II Full Weekend Package: FEB 25-27 2022
Join us at Hell Day Phoenix II weekend for SOCOM Athlete's 55th Hell Day event!
Go beyond the Saturday Hell Day and join us for the full weekend of hands-on, in-person development & mentorship; developing techniques, fundamentals, and conceptual learning. For only $324, the Basic Weekend Package provides the Hell Day Event + the Friday & Sunday Development courses, and a SOCOM Athlete Flag T-Shirt!
(see full description below)
Included in Purchase:
- Hell Day Event (Saturday): https://www.socomathlete.com/product-page/helldayphoenixii
- Friday Development Course: https://www.socomathlete.com/product-page/phoenixiifridaydev
- Sunday Development Course: https://www.socomathlete.com/product-page/phoenixiisundaydev
- 1 x SOCOM Athlete "Send Me" Flag Shirt: https://www.socomathlete.com/product-page/shirts
Event instructors: Click here to read about your potential event instructors; Navy SEALs, Green Berets, Air Force PJs, Special Tactics Officers, and more https://www.socomathlete.com/our-instructors-mentors
Location: Phoenix, AZ (Exact Location Announced via email to Registrants)
Attention: Upon registration, students receive an email with pertinent event information & attachments. Registrants are contacted personally by SOCOM Athlete instructors & added to a team group chat prior to Hell Day weekend.
Click here to read about your potential instructors: https://www.socomathlete.com/our-instructors-mentors
Please read the equipment list carefully:
The following gear items are provided to students:
- Provided: Rucksack (May bring personal rucksack if preferred)
- Provided: Multicam Pants & Tops
- Provided: Tactical Belt
- Provided: Training Rifle
The following items are MANDATORY:
2 SOCOM Athlete T-Shirt or All-Black Athletic T-Shirt (Small logos are authorized)
2 All-Black Athletic Shorts (Small logos are authorized)
Official ID (Driver’s License, Passport, CAC, Learner’s Permit, etc.)
600-900 calories of Snacks (Quest Bar, Fruit, Beef Jerky, etc.)
2 Gallon H20
½ Gallon Gatorade/Powerade or Electrolyte Drink
1 Pair Running shoes
1 Pair Extra Shoes (Will Get Dirty)
May Bring Boots instead
Rucksack or Large Backpack
1 Towel
Cell Phone App for Note-taking
The following items are HIGHLY RECOMMENDED, but not mandatory:
Dive Mask (preferred) or Swim Goggles
Swim Shorts
Athletic Watch w/ Timer Mode
Red Light Headlamp
Bug Spray
Extra Towel
Optional, but recommended for NSW, USAF, USMC Candidates:
Rocket Fins/Jet Fins & Dive Boots
Required Paperwork: [ Attached via email upon registration ]
**Our Medical Waiver/Assumption of risk form is disseminated upon registration**
Must be at least 16 y/o to participate. Our parental consent waiver required for 16 y/o is attached via email upon registration.
(Not Included) Hotel/Lodging Option:
Lodging is optional, and is not included in the cost; Rooms are pre-purchased by SOCOM Athlete, allowing candidates to register for lodging on our website at a lower rate. Link to lodging: https://www.socomathlete.com/product-page/phoenixiilodging